By: Jeffrey Lapin

Car Buying Experience Goes DigitalOn May 14, 2013, Cisco released the results of its Cisco Customer Experience Report for Automobile Industry, May 2013, which focused on the automobile buying and driving experience. More than 1,500 consumers across 10 countries were surveyed and questioned about technology and buying and driving an automobile. The results were somewhat surprising especially about consumer preferences regarding privacy and driverless cars.

Consumers Desire A Better Virtual Buying ExperienceKEY FINDINGS OF STUDY

Prior to Purchasing:

  • 83% prefer to research online for information on a car.
  • 61% use manufacturing websites when researching to purchase a car.
  • 78% of consumers trust their online research.

Consumers Seek Smarter Insight Into Auto Operating CostsTracking Maintenance Costs:

  • 52% of consumers want to track gas prices from a vehicle.
  • 62% stated they would purchase a device designed to keep them on track with their monthly budget for gas and maintenance.

Consumers Trade Personal Data for Savings, Safety and a Personalized ExperiencePrivacy:

  • 74% would allow their driving habits to be monitored in order to save on insurance or service maintenance or costs.
  • 60% would provide biometric information such as fingerprints and DNA samples in return for personalized security or car security.
  • 65% would share personal information such as height/weight, driving habits, entertainment preferences if this allowed a more customized vehicle and driving experience.

Consumers Trust Driverless CarsAutomated or Driverless Automobiles:

  • 57% would ride in a driverless car.
  • 60% of Americans would ride in a driverless car.
  • 46% would permit their kids to ride in driverless automobiles.


I am in favor of automobile technology that promotes safety and reduces the number of crashes. If I were asked the questions on the survey many of my answers would be the same as the majority. I do research vehicles before going to a dealership although I am skeptical of manufacturers websites. I would give up some privacy for a better security, safety and personalization. Would I want to be a passenger in a driverless car? My answer is “no.” I am not totally comfortable being a passenger. On long, boring commutes an “auto-pilot” would be great. However, more often than not, I just enjoy driving.

Source and images: Cisco Press Release: Consumers Desire More Automated Automobiles, According to Cisco Study



Lapin Law Offices represents clients injured and the families of those killed in automobile accidents in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska. If you have been injured or a loved one killed in a car crash please call us anytime (24/7) at 402-421-8033 or toll free at 888-525-8819. You can also submit your information or question online: Contact Us. We do not collect a fee unless we get you money.

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