Archives for posts with tag: Lapin Law Offices
Patrick Driver of Lapin Law Offices completed his third Bataan Memorial Death March on March 25, 2018. The Memorial March is an annual event to remember the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Islands, and after being captured, were forced to march over 65 miles to internment camps during World War II. Many of […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
Today, November 29, 2016 is Giving Tuesday, also known as GivingTuesday or #GivingTuesday. Giving Tuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday as a way to start the holiday giving season. It is a “global day of giving fueled by […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
Today is National Wear Red Day®, which is celebrated annually on the first Friday of February. The American Heart Association (AHA), HHS, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and many other organizations celebrate and promote National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about women’s  heart disease and the fact that it is largely […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
Lapin Law Offices celebrates its 6th Anniversary on December 15, 2014. Our focus and motto, which began from our inception, is to be the Nebraska law office that is: Caring, Passionate and Dedicated. That is how we have and will continue to represent each and every client. We, as a firm as well as individually, […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced its preliminary Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety violations for fiscal year 2014. Unfortunately, the top 10 for 2014 was the same as 2013. This demonstrates that employers continue to not do enough to protect their employees. OSHA TOP VIOLATIONS The […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
California will become the first state that will impose civil penalties for businesses that include non-disparagement clauses, which are those that limit or prohibit negative reviews by customers. The law also goes farther and punishes businesses that “otherwise penalize” consumers for negative reviews. This law is considered a victory for consumers while businesses face a lot […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
Use an activity-tracking device, such as a fitness tracking band, or application? Users should be very cautious due to serious security issues as your data may not be safe. These tracking devices and applications contain a lot of personal, private information. According to Symantec, in a Report entitled “How safe is your quantified self?” users […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a conviction based on “morphing” an image to include a minor’s face as depicting child pornography. The appeals court rejected the man’s arguments that federal pornography laws, as applied to the “morphed image,” were not unconstitutional under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The “morphed image” […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
HELP KEEP LINCOLN GREAT – GIVE TO LINCOLN DAY 2014 Give to Lincoln Day 2014 began at 12:00 am today. Give to Lincoln Day is a day dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations in the city of Lincoln, as well as Lancaster County, Nebraska. From 12:00 am to 11:59 pm people can donate to qualifying local non-profit organizations. […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices
HAPPY ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS’ DAY 2014 Today, April 23, 2014, is Administrative Professionals’ Day. It is just one day of week-long celebration, Administrative Professionals’ Week, where we acknowledge the contribution of administrative professionals to the success of business throughout the United States. Please join with us in thanking all administrative professionals for all of their hard […]

Vía Lapin Law Offices